News & Events

Posted By Fuller Harvey On July 6, 2018

Rural Communities Grant Applications to Fund Opioid Response Deadline Approaching

Rural Communities Grant

July 30, 2018, is the closing date for applications for rural communities grant opportunities totaling $15,000,000 through the Health Resources and Services Administration.    Funding opportunity HRSA-18-116 will be awarded to 75 agencies.  Eligible agencies are “all domestic public or private, non-profit or for-profit, entities, including faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations, who will serve rural communities at the highest risk for substance use disorder and who meet the RCORP-Planning specifications for the Applicant Organization and Consortium as described (on the website).”

This funding opportunity has no cost-sharing or matching requirements.  The grant falls under the “Discretionary” category and will expand the opportunities for successful applicant- agencies to implement critical resources, including electronic health records systems to accelerate response to the opioid epidemic.

As a caution, posts: 
 is experiencing high volume and delays.  If you have tried to create or update your registration but have not been able to complete the process, you may not be able to apply for a HRSA funding opportunity via in a timely manner prior to the application deadline.  If so, please email”

About Fuller Harvey

Fuller is a creative consultant who is bringing her passion for connective, encouraging, and practical communication to Patagonia Health. She considers her greatest strength to be creating an adhesive environment where individuals are valued, supported and celebrated for the contributions they bring to the “team table” and where all communication -both within and without the company – has positive purpose and impact.