Patagonia Health’s EHR, Practice Management, and Billing software is designed to improve departmental workflow and efficiency using apps and cloud-based technology. In addition to the standard system, Patagonia Health collaborates with our customers to develop innovative advanced apps to add specific functionality needed by Public Health Departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Behavioral Health Agencies, HIV clinics, and private practices. We also provide consultative services to our customers to relieve as much burden as we can from the adoption and implementation process, their reporting process and the Meaningful Use requirements. These apps and services are sold separately from the basic EHR platform unless otherwise noted. For more information on any of these Apps and Services please

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Patient ID Scanner for faster patient check-in This easy-to-use, patient ID scanner* feature allows your registration staff to easily scan a patient’s identification or insurance card which auto-populates the corresponding fields in the Electronic Health Record (EHR). This built-in optional functionality streamlines the check-in process saving staff time, reducing errors while patients get in and out more quickly…

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Electronic Patient Consent Forms

Integrated Electronic Patient Consent Forms Patagonia Health EHR features an optional built-in Electronic Patient Consent Form. This feature can be used either with a Topaz signature pad and/or touch screen options for direct sign by the patient and provider for various forms, either at the time of check-in or in a clinical setting, such as the exam room. This feature includes many standard consent forms such as Acknowledgment of Receipt of Notice of Privacy, Family Planning General Consent for Services, etc.

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Electronic Fax via EHR

Integrated Electronic Fax Option for Easy, Paperless Communications Electronic fax (eFax) option allows the user to receive and send a fax directly from within the Patagonia Health Electronic Health Records (EHR) software. Patagonia Health provides a unique fax number. Received faxes to this number come as an email attachment which can be easily filed into patient’s EHR chart without scanning. Additionally, referral letters can be sent di¬rectly from the EHR via electronic fax without printing, making it easier than ever before.

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Dashboard App Video Image

Integrated Reporting App Providing Real-time Data Anytime The Management Dashboard App provides easy-to-view health department graphs on any device (computer, smart phone, laptop or tablet), anytime and anywhere. Health directors can share this with county commissioners or boards of health in meetings or on-the-go on their smart phones. Grant writers can use various graphs for writing.

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Immunization Video Play

Integrated immunization workflow engine As part of a core set of services, local health departments administer so many immunizations that patient flow can easily get very backed up. Patagonia Health’s Immunization App dramatically speeds up the patient intake process and reduces the data entry efforts required by nurses.

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Integrated App for Medication Dispensing, Tracking, and Inventory Control The Pharmacy App is suitable for small local health departments and automates medication (e.g. for family planning) dispensing, tracking, audit and inventory control. The following describes functions of the built-in Pharmacy App.

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Integrated interactive TB treatment documentation Patagonia Health EHR TB App is designed and developed for local health departments for clinical documentation of patients in TB treatment. The App has the complete workflow of a LTBI or Active TB treatment…

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Integrated interactive TB treatment documentation By consulting with HIV Clinics, Patagonia Health has developed an HIV Case Management App to better support the needs of clinics who provide HIV Case Management services. Patagonia Health’s built in templates follow…

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Integrated Voice/Text/Email Appointment Reminder System Save thousands of dollars every year with our automated messaging and reminder system. The Communicator App is a built-in electronic automated “patient reminder system” that is completely integrated with the Patagonia Health EHR software.

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2-Factor Authentication

Built-in Data Security Measures
Patagonia Health EHR supports 2-factor authentication via one-time password (OTP) through SMS or email. Users logging into the EHR simply enter an additional 6-digit code that they receive on their registered SMS or email…

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5 A's for Smoking Cessation

Integrated Smoking Cessation Intervention Program
The 5 A’s smoking cessation plan is a brief intervention approach developed by the US Public Health Service to enhance motivation for smokers to change their behavior. Patagonia Health’s EHR has a built in assessment tool to provide an easy way to conduct the 5 A’s approach…

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GIS Health Mapping App

Improve Population Health via Integrated GIS Health Mapping App GIS Health mapping, integrated with Electronic Health Record (EHR) data, allows the health department to see actionable data in real time. This app is an effective tool to plan outreach and communicate need/strategy with community stakeholders, e.g. board of health or county commissioners.

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Integrated School Health Mapping System School Health Mapping App eliminates paper and automates the school health nurses’ work flow.

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Streamline workflow across the agency Over the years, local health departments have been using a mix of paper and electronic systems. In addition, some workflows may be outdated. While transitioning to a new EHR, it is an ideal time to thoroughly review current processes for improvement.

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Understand, Comply, Apply The Incentive Assistance Service is a unique value-added service for Patagonia Health EHR customers. The CMS EHR Meaningful Use (MU) incentives for eligible entities are quite easy to get. Each Eligible Provider (EP) (MD, NP or certified midwife, providing direct patient care qualifies) can get the EHR incentives. For Medicaid, each EP can get up to $63,750 total over a period of six years. Furthermore, by just signing to purchase an EHR, one can qualify and get $21,250 per EP within 4-6 months.

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