
Category Archives: Public Health

EHRs for E-Prescriptions and Drug Monitoring Programs

ehrs for e-prescriptions

Electronic Prescriptions (or e-prescriptions) allow prescribers to write prescriptions digitally. Digital prescriptions can save prescribers time and energy and lower the risks of prescription errors, drug reactions, and dosage miscalculations that send 1.3 million Americans to the emergency room annually. E-prescriptions are now federally mandated in most states with the last states scheduled to begin […]

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Public Health Infrastructure Saves Lives Act Re-Introduced

public health infrastructure funding

Lawmakers have re-introduced legislation to provide consistent funding for maintenance of Public Health infrastructure and healthcare IT systems. The Public Health Infrastructure Saves Lives Act is meant to stop the boom-bust funding cycle that the public health system has struggled with for decades and instead provide a steady stream of support. If adopted, the act […]

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Traumatic Stress: Protecting Health Staff

trauma-informed health department

For health leaders to best support their staff and community members, efforts can be made towards becoming a trauma-informed organization with focus on supporting resilience and healing and protecting healthcare staff from traumatic stress. Healthcare practitioners have carried a particularly heavy burden being on the front lines of emergency response efforts of COVID-19 while seeing their […]

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Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations: Communication Tips

talking about vaccines

How can your organization start conversations about COVID-19, address the needs of individual communities and pave a path forward to increase COVID-19 vaccinations? How do you prevent misinformation from creating hesitancy? As public health agencies continue trying to vaccinate Americans against COVID-19, we can use the following tips from public health experts to communicate skillfully […]

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Patagonia Health: Adapt & Innovate, At Speed

Adapting to COVID 19 EHR

“As a company, and as a country, we are vaccinating millions of people quickly. It is fascinating to see how people nationwide are contributing to fight COVID-19 to get us back to normal. There is no playbook thus, as a nation, it is all hands on deck,” Ashok Mathur, Founder & CEO, Patagonia Health. COVID-19 […]

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