
Category Archives: Policy and Regulations

Will Mental Health Providers get EHR Incentives?

EHR Incentives for Behavioral Health

H.R. 3331, a bill to “amend title XI of the Social Security Act to promote testing of incentive payments for behavioral health providers for adoption and use of certified electronic health record technology” was introduced to Congress on July 20, 2017, by Representatives Lynn Jenkins (R-KS) and Doris Matsui (D-CA). Additionally, Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) […]

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Vaccine-Preventable Diseases: Public Health vs Personal Choice. How can meaningful use EHR help keep public safe?


Despite recent popularity on the internet and media, vaccines have been used and developed for nearly 200 years. A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease. Their prevalent use in industrialized countries has dramatically improved overall population health and eradicated or nearly eradicated many diseases that were once […]

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Keeping Patient Safety a Priority in your Health Center

Patient Safety

Patient safety can mean a lot of things depending on your public health department or community health center. But at its core, patient safety is about how your organization prevents and protects patients from errors, injuries, accidents, and infections. While often considered an issue for hospitals or facilities with impatient care, patient safety can and […]

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Health in All Policies – What it means for Mental Health

Recently we published an interview with Julia Caplan, the program manager for California Public Health’s Health in All Policies Task Force. The American Public Health Association describes Health in All Policies as a collaborative approach to improve health by incorporating health considerations into decision-making across all policy areas. Similarly, NACCHO’s Environmental Health in All Policies […]

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4 Reasons Not Conducting a Security Risk Assessment Can Cost You Money

Security Risk Assessment

A Security Risk Assessment (SRA) is an analysis of your healthcare organization or associated business for any potential threats or issues in handling protected health information (PHI) under the Health Insurance Portability and accountability Act (HIPAA). It is also mandatory for all Covered Entities under the HIPAA security rule and needs to be performed annually. […]

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