
Category Archives: Patient Engagement

Improving Cancer Screening Rates in Community Health

Cancer Screening FQHC EHR

Current research and data show that preventative screenings for various forms of cancer help dramatically improve efficacy of treatments and survival rates from catching cancer in its early stages. Despite this evidence, however, rates of these screenings continually fall below national targets from Healthy People 2020 for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers. The largest segments […]

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Keeping Patient Safety a Priority in your Health Center

Patient Safety

Patient safety can mean a lot of things depending on your public health department or community health center. But at its core, patient safety is about how your organization prevents and protects patients from errors, injuries, accidents, and infections. While often considered an issue for hospitals or facilities with impatient care, patient safety can and […]

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Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment and Community Health (FQHC)

Affordable Care Act

Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014, the uninsured rate among non-elderly adults dropped from 20.4% in 2013 to 12.8% in 20151. The groups most targeted by the ACA include poor and low-income individuals, those groups who frequently visit Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and Public Health Departments for care. This […]

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Combating Misinformation in your Health Department or FQHC

misinformation gossip graphic

Advancements in technology have greatly improved efficiency and outcomes for both healthcare providers and patients. Electronic Health Records (EHR) help to advance clinical care coordination and billing, medical technology innovations have provided new, cost effective treatments, and continued research improves knowledge and data every day.   But along with the good, technology has also brought […]

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6 Tip strategy to increase patient engagement

The use of electronic health record (EHR) in the exam room changes the dynamics of the clinical charting process. Many health professionals are not that savvy with new technology and it can be exacerbating to say the least. As a result, many doctors spend too much face time with the computer rather than the patient; […]

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