
Category Archives: Patient Engagement

Benefits of an Embedded EHR Telehealth Tool

embedded ehr telehealth tool benefits

The healthcare field is quickly moving towards using telehealth solutions to increase patient care. The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred its use with an immediate need to connect patients with clinicians virtually, and now it is here to stay. When looking for a telehealth app for your clinic, consider the benefits of using an embedded EHR […]

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Do Individuals have to Disclose Vaccination Status?

disclose vaccination status or not - the law

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a controversy about “vaccine passports”, medical privacy laws and individual rights. As the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) eases restrictions on individuals vaccinated against Coronavirus, many companies and individuals are asking for individuals to disclose vaccination status. HIPAA is often cited as a justification to avoid disclosing that vaccination status; […]

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New Rules for Telehealth Technology

telehealth new rules and regulations

It’s no question that COVID-19 is rapidly changing the way we live and work. New social distancing restrictions and shelter-in-place orders cause businesses to become creative in how to stream services online or operate from a distance. Since the beginning of this pandemic, healthcare providers have been on the front lines. As social distancing becomes […]

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Millennials and Healthcare – Get Ready!

millennials health care change makers

Amidst all the hot topics swirling in the health care arena – “Meaningful Use/MIPS”. . . “FPAR” . . . “Opioid Crisis” – one topic off the radar from “bureaucratic speak” has caught our eye:  the impact the generational cohort known as “Millennials” is having on every level of the sector.  As such, Patagonia Health […]

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