Category Archives: Immunizations

What is an Immunization Registry and How Does your Healthcare Organization Benefit?

Immunization Registry

With the advancement of healthcare technology and electronic health records (EHR) through the Meaningful Use mandates, connectivity and information sharing has become increasingly available as healthcare turns to preventative care and care coordination. In fact, all immunizations given are required by all medical clinics to be recorded in the state immunization registry. If you are […]

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Vaccine-Preventable Diseases: Public Health vs Personal Choice. How can meaningful use EHR help keep public safe?


Despite recent popularity on the internet and media, vaccines have been used and developed for nearly 200 years. A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease. Their prevalent use in industrialized countries has dramatically improved overall population health and eradicated or nearly eradicated many diseases that were once […]

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EHRs Can Improve Efficiency of High Volume Immunizations

High Vol Immunizations

Immunizations are an important service offering of Public Health Departments and Community Health Centers, including FQHCs.  The flu vaccine for this season alone, for example, will be somewhere between 171 and 179 million doses for the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  This makes the administration of immunizations and inventory […]

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