
Category Archives: Immunizations

Do Individuals have to Disclose Vaccination Status?

disclose vaccination status or not - the law

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a controversy about “vaccine passports”, medical privacy laws and individual rights. As the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) eases restrictions on individuals vaccinated against Coronavirus, many companies and individuals are asking for individuals to disclose vaccination status. HIPAA is often cited as a justification to avoid disclosing that vaccination status; […]

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Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations: Communication Tips

talking about vaccines

How can your organization start conversations about COVID-19, address the needs of individual communities and pave a path forward to increase COVID-19 vaccinations? How do you prevent misinformation from creating hesitancy? As public health agencies continue trying to vaccinate Americans against COVID-19, we can use the following tips from public health experts to communicate skillfully […]

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Patagonia Health: Adapt & Innovate, At Speed

Adapting to COVID 19 EHR

“As a company, and as a country, we are vaccinating millions of people quickly. It is fascinating to see how people nationwide are contributing to fight COVID-19 to get us back to normal. There is no playbook thus, as a nation, it is all hands on deck,” Ashok Mathur, Founder & CEO, Patagonia Health. COVID-19 […]

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When battling Flu season, EHR technology can help!


During a press conference held on February 15, 2018, both Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Acting Director, Anne Schuchat, stressed that this year’s flu season “continues to be extremely challenging and intense” and that “all indications are that flu activity remains high and is […]

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Family Planning Clinics Kick Off the New Year with Cervical Health Focus

Cervical Health Awareness Month

Family planning clinics are promoting Cervical Health Awareness Month – and we all should applaud!   Per, the National Cervical Cancer Coalition:  “Nearly 13,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year, but the disease is virtually always preventable with vaccination and appropriate screening (Pap and HPV tests).”   We should stand up and applaud:  […]

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