
Category Archives: EHR Implementation and Best Practices

How to Evaluate EHR Solutions

evaluate ehr solutions

When shopping for an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, evaluate EHR solutions for the following to ensure you find one that can best fit your needs. Certifications EHR certification programs are designed so that healthcare agencies can verify they are investing in secure Electronic Health Record (EHR) solutions. Certified solutions would have been rigorously inspected […]

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Shopping for an EHR – 8 things to find out First

shopping for a new ehr

Whether your health agency is switching from paper records or another Electronic Health Records (EHR) solution, prepare yourself ahead of shopping for an EHR. By determining the following, you will have a better understanding of your needs and will be able to communicate those needs as well as evaluate vendors more effectively. Here are the […]

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EHR Implementation for Behavioral Health Challenges

ehr for behavioral health

EHR implementation for Behavioral Health has seen many challenges. In 2019, North Carolina attempted to change Medicaid to a system run by healthcare companies and lawmakers were pushing to make health records electronic. However, some providers were not exactly on board. Health records within large hospitals and clinics have been electronic, but some smaller mental […]

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Telehealth Best Practices: Enhancing “Webside” Manner

Best Practices for Telehealth Webside Manner

Staying safe during the COVID-19 pandemic continues to increase the use of telehealth among healthcare professionals. 75% of individuals in the U.S. who have behavioral health conditions are continuing therapy services during COVID-19. Additionally, virtual care has increased 1.6x since the summer of 2019.  And telehealth is here to stay. Convenience, access beyond clinical hours, […]

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How to Prevent Physician Burnout

It is no secret stress and burnout are a cultural epidemic. 79% of the American workforce report feeling frequently stressed out.1 Of all the looming stressors in the workplace, workload resounds as the number one cause of stress.2 What are we doing to reduce stress in our workplaces? If stress could be reduced, burnout of […]

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