
Category Archives: EHR Implementation and Best Practices

Personalization, Configuration and Customization in EHR Design

Personalization, configuration and customization in your EHR

Personalization, configuration and customization in your EHR are sometimes confusing terms to differentiate. They involve different levels of making the EHR software unique to your users, groups of users, or organization. Some levels of these adjustments come as part of the base, out of box, EHR system. Others require source code changes by your vendor […]

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How to Migrate data to a new EHR Successfully

Migrate data to a new EHR

Knowing how to migrate data to a new EHR successfully can save you a lot of worry. Switching EHRs can often be a strenuous and sometimes troublesome process. What can sometimes be even more stressful is migrating all your clients’ important data to your new vendor. While migrating data to a new EHR can be […]

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Implementation Best Practices for EHRs

ehr implementation best practices

While implementation occurs after selecting an EHR, it is important to know what to expect and EHR implementation best practices. Implementing new software is a large project. Whether you’re transitioning from paper to an EHR system or switching EHR systems altogether, the change is significant. Follow these best practices to ease the transition. Create a […]

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EHR Implementation Success: 7 Tips

successful ehr implementation tips

After you have chosen a new Electronic Health Records (EHR) solution, how do you smoothly transition to it? Follow these 7 tips for EHR implementation success.  Set realistic goals and expectations. Is it realistic to think you will be paperless in 1 month? Do all of your programs need to go-live at once or is […]

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Use a Cloud-Based EHR to Reduce Costs

cloud-based ehr cost

There are two forms of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems – systems whose servers are stored on the client side and systems whose server is hosted in the cloud. While both of these systems have immeasurable benefits over paper records, go with a cloud-based EHR to reduce costs at your healthcare agency. CLOUD-BASED EHR COST […]

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