
Category Archives: TB and Communicable Disease

HHS begins awarding funds to FQHCs to combat Zika

The Zika virus continues to dominate health news and new research as organizations work to determine the best route to combat the spread of the virus. Increasing concern is the 2016 Summer Olympic Games to be hosted in Rio de Janiero, Brazil – one of the South American countries most affected by the current outbreak. […]

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The Public Health Battle against TB Continues

TB test results

In our blog “Can Electronic Health Records help Public Health win the war against TB?” we talked about how EHRs can help fight the battle against TB.  Well, the federal government is taking a stronger stance on it as well!  Recently, the white house issued a National Action Plan for Combating Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis.  This […]

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Ebola on our minds

Because we are involved in the Public Health sector (and interested), it is hard not to follow the Ebola epidemic. Every news station aired has one story or another about new cases and reactions of the communities; the thousands affected in West Africa, and at least 17 travelers from other countries, including the United States. […]

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What is Public Health?

What is public health

I’m pretty sure everyone in Public Health knows what Public Health is, but when it comes to those they serve, most don’t have any idea.   According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of families and communities through promotion of healthy […]

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