
Category Archives: Billing

Do you have a Smart EHR? Find out Now

Smart EHR

Remember flip phones? OK, I know some people who still use them, but today most people would be lost without a smart phone. They want to be able to access real-time data any time and anywhere. They want to easily communicate and stay connected. They want personal apps at their fingertips. So imagine an intuitive […]

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Three easy steps to increase reimbursements for public health departments

reduce claims denials, reduce billing errors, expand number of payers

Three easy steps to increase reimbursements for public health departments.  How a modern Electronic Health Record software can be your friend.   Over the past few years, local health departments have continued to see their budgets shrink. Federal government has mandated that all clinics, including public health, must adopt a federally certified Electronic Health Record […]

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Understanding Medicare Incident-To Billing for Public Health

Incident-to Billing

With shrinking budgets, it is important that local health departments focus on maximizing revenues. Billing is complex and confusing. Inappropriate billing is costing local health departments a lot of lost revenue.   One important concept to understand is incident-to billing. “Incident-to” services are defined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as those […]

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A 12-step plan for ICD-10-CM implementation for local health departments

Public health department’s billing staff may have some huge challenges come October 1, 2015. Don’t take risks – start getting ready now!   The upcoming 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), is meant to be a great improvement over the 9th edition, but it could mean severe financial risks if public health […]

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