
Category Archives: Behavioral Health

Complete EHR Solutions: Weaving the Golden Thread

EHR for weaving the golden thread

The Golden Thread is a form of documentation that supports a meaningful client narrative throughout the journey of their care. EHR systems are used in conjunction with this form of documentation and offer a method of allowing a client’s data to be recorded and viewed in such a manner that very little time is used, […]

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Guidelines for Using Telehealth for Group Therapy

telehealth for group therapy

Group therapy uses many of the same approaches as individual therapy and research has shown it can sometimes be more effective. The use of group therapy during the social isolation brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has proven more helpful than ever. Patients connected through virtual telehealth apps form a sense of belonging, build a […]

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EHR Implementation for Behavioral Health Challenges

ehr for behavioral health

EHR implementation for Behavioral Health has seen many challenges. In 2019, North Carolina attempted to change Medicaid to a system run by healthcare companies and lawmakers were pushing to make health records electronic. However, some providers were not exactly on board. Health records within large hospitals and clinics have been electronic, but some smaller mental […]

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EHRs for E-Prescriptions and Drug Monitoring Programs

ehrs for e-prescriptions

Electronic Prescriptions (or e-prescriptions) allow prescribers to write prescriptions digitally. Digital prescriptions can save prescribers time and energy and lower the risks of prescription errors, drug reactions, and dosage miscalculations that send 1.3 million Americans to the emergency room annually. E-prescriptions are now federally mandated in most states with the last states scheduled to begin […]

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Bill to Adopt the CCBHC Medicaid Demonstration Nationwide

ccbhc national funding

The bipartisan Excellence in Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Act of 2021 was introduced to the Senate this July and will allow every state to establish fully funded Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) and join the CCBHC Medicaid demonstration nationwide. If the act is passed it will expand access to high-quality mental health and […]

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