
Posted By Amanda Girard On August 10, 2021

Use a Cloud-Based EHR to Reduce Costs

cloud-based ehr cost

There are two forms of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems – systems whose servers are stored on the client side and systems whose server is hosted in the cloud. While both of these systems have immeasurable benefits over paper records, go with a cloud-based EHR to reduce costs at your healthcare agency.



Client-server EHRs have a high upfront cost to install, often requiring buying or leasing expensive hardware and hiring IT staff. By contrast, cloud-based EHR systems have little to no upfront cost and require no additional hardware or IT staff.


Choosing a cloud-based EHR software makes Meaningful Use incentive payments a profit generator rather than a discount on the upfront costs of purchasing a new EHR. With a cloud-based EHR, by the time your monthly payments add up to the incentive benefit, your EHR should already be producing a positive return on your investment. Because client-server EHRs cost a lot upfront, it mitigates this benefit.


The cost of a client-server EHR can be unpredictable due to crashes or needing capacity upgrades. The hardware and software must be regularly tested and upgraded as needed, which requires hiring IT staff. A cloud-based EHR system has a consistent price subscription price and no maintenance or additional IT staff are required as the vendors take care of those systems for you. 


Because government healthcare regulations change so often, updates to EHR systems are needed pretty frequently. Because client-server EHRs typically require installation by a hired IT technician, this costs time to schedule along with additional money. Cloud-based EHRs are updated automatically through the cloud; however, with no wait time, additional cost or person to hire.


Implementing, maintaining and scaling up a client-server EHR as your practice grows can be complicated and require a lot of help from hired IT professionals. With a cloud-based EHR, however, new staff members only require access to your system via a secure website or client software installed on their machine.


Cloud-based EHRs include interoperability that allows you to offer various payment options and methods. Because the cloud-based system can sync with multiple payers more efficiently, this expedites claims payment, improves revenue and boosts patient satisfaction. 

While both client-server and cloud-based EHRs will help your healthcare agency in the long run to manage your patient data and billing more effectively than paper solutions, cloud-based EHRs can overall more positively impact your operations budget. Be sure to consider these things when pricing out EHR solutions for your agency and go with a cloud-based EHR to reduce costs.

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About Amanda Girard

Amanda is the Marketing Manager at Patagonia Health, a cloud and apps-based Electronic Health Records (EHR) software company serving Public and Behavioral Health. Amanda has a passion for serving those who serve in others in healthcare with informative content on industry topics and solutions in health IT.