
Posted By Amanda Girard On June 22, 2021

Is your EHR being Sunsetted? Consider Your Options

EHR Sunsetting

Is your current EHR being sunsetted and is your current vendor still a good fit? Have your staff members complained about your Electronic Health Record’s vendor not keeping promises, build times not keeping up with integration demands, communication being unclear about upgrades, hidden charges, systems being too labor intensive, or the account management and support being poor? If these sound familiar you should know that you have options beyond rolling over to the next system offered by your current vendor. 

An EHR being sunsetted means it is being phased out or replaced. The sunsetting of products by your current vendor is the perfect time to investigate an alternative future. Doing the due diligence of exploring all your options is the best way to ensure you are investing in the best technology and support team available to meet your agency’s needs. You do not have to opt for the next version by your vendor if it would be a better option to switch to a new EHR company.

Before evaluating your options, be sure to speak with your entire staff; measure the level of pain points they have experienced with your current software systems usability, pricing, support, etc. Find out what is working and not working. Consider what functionality is necessary, or would be nice to have, to improve your workflow and processes. This way you can ensure you provide your staff what they need in a robust and effective EHR software system and vendor management team that works for them, with them and not against them. 

When selecting the best EHR vendor for your health agency’s needs, be sure you are prepared:

  • Ask the right questions during demos so that you can optimize your EHR to your needs. 
  • Make sure any vendors you are considering will help you with data migration so you are not left struggling to figure that out alone. 
  • Evaluate your vendors’ training and implementation processes. 
  • Find out what programs are available to help with the cost and processes of adoption. 

Select a vendor with exceptional customer service and support – this will make all the difference for a successful EHR implementation.

With your EHR being sunsetted, the sun is going down on your current software version. However, the future is still bright for any who are using the opportunity to evaluate the best option moving forward. You never have to settle. Consider doing your due diligence to compare vendors today. 

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About Amanda Girard

Amanda is the Marketing Manager at Patagonia Health, a cloud and apps-based Electronic Health Records (EHR) software company serving Public and Behavioral Health. Amanda has a passion for serving those who serve in others in healthcare with informative content on industry topics and solutions in health IT.