
Posted By Arnav Mathur On December 7, 2021

How EHRs support Diabetes & Smoking Cessation Programs

Diabetes & Smoking cessation Programs

EHRs support patients in many ways including supporting programs that directly help patients, such as diabetes & smoking cessation programs. EHRs  can also keep medical records in a safe database, allowing for easy accessibility, and they can provide important information about treatment and recovery. All these functions can support patients living a healthier and happier lifestyle.

EHR Support for Diabetes Programs:

In terms of helping a diabetic patient, EHRs are very helpful. 

  • An EHR can document a family history of diabetes and see how bad their situation is, or if the patient is likely to pass diabetes down to their children. 
  • EHRs can also help a healthcare agency create a thorough list of diabetes patients, and use it to research important care based on those lists. 
  • It can also help prompt Clinicians to know when diabetic patients need preventive care, immunizations, or screenings. 
  • EHRs can also help to educate patients with diabetes about managing their diabetes properly by sending out automated messages from the system. 
  • EHRs can also create reports or summaries so that patients can better coordinate how they manage their diets, medications, etc for diabetes. 
  • EHRs also help healthcare agencies watch their patients’ tests over time, so the caregivers can make the best decisions for the patient. 
  • Finally, the EHR helps clinicians manage the correct prescriptions for their patients. 

EHR support for Smoking Cessation Programs:

EHRs are also quite helpful in helping patients who smoke to quit. 

  • One use of EHRs for smoking cessation is prompting health care providers to screen for and document the patient’s tobacco use. 
  • It can also be used to refer smokers to appropriate quit lines that can help support them. EHRs can also send automated messages as interventions with reminder tips to help someone quit smoking. 
  • EHRs can also track progress, to see if the patient is thoroughly trying to help themselves quit smoking. 
  • EHRs can also track the impact of smoking cessation, what is working for individual patients, and then create reports to help bigger populations of smokers quit.

EHRs like Patagonia Health have many uses for their customers. Patagonia Health is always striving to support the best care for patients, along with keeping a good relationship with our healthcare customers in Public and Behavioral Health.Patients with diabetes, or a patient with a bad smoking habit are all very important to us, as we strive to support healthcare workers in helping patients improve their health outcomes. These diabetes & smoking cessation programs are crucial to helping people get healthier. If you would like to learn more about Patagonia Health’s EHR, please contact us. 

About Arnav Mathur

Arnav Mathur is a Marketing Associate at Patagonia Health. He conducts market research regarding electronic health records and reaches out to clinics across the United States to see what Patagonia Health can provide for them. He also writes content for public and behavioral health while combining his business skill sets and customer focus to help push healthcare IT forward.