
Author Archives: Lauren Brawley

About Lauren Brawley

Lauren Brawley is a Marketing Specialist at Patagonia Health, a cloud-based EHR designed specifically for behavioral and public healthcare. Lauren integrates her strong communications skills with industry research to keep partners up to date on important Behavioral and Public Health resources and news.

New Rules for Telehealth Technology

telehealth new rules and regulations

It’s no question that COVID-19 is rapidly changing the way we live and work. New social distancing restrictions and shelter-in-place orders cause businesses to become creative in how to stream services online or operate from a distance. Since the beginning of this pandemic, healthcare providers have been on the front lines. As social distancing becomes […]

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COVID-19 Resources for Public & Behavioral Health

COVID-19 Resources

There is so much information out there about COVID-19. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with it all, and even harder to sort out the important information from the rest. Because we know you’re overwhelmingly busy during these stressful times, we pulled together a list of resources and information that we thought would be helpful. […]

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COVID-19, Public Health, and Your EHR

The discussion of COVID-19 comes as no surprise. Coronavirus is currently the main headline for every news station worldwide and has over 3 billion results on Google. As an Electronic Health Record focused on Public Health, we understand the importance of addressing the arising issue of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Public Health professionals are […]

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How to Prevent Physician Burnout

It is no secret stress and burnout are a cultural epidemic. 79% of the American workforce report feeling frequently stressed out.1 Of all the looming stressors in the workplace, workload resounds as the number one cause of stress.2 What are we doing to reduce stress in our workplaces? If stress could be reduced, burnout of […]

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