Author Archives: Hope Alfaro

About Hope Alfaro

Hope Alfaro (Ahl-FAH-roh) is originally from Orlando, Florida but grew up in rural NC, She is addicted to knowledge and research and integrates these passions as a Marketing Executive for Patagonia Health. She created engaging content and news and keeps up to date with the latest health news to share with readers.

What is an Immunization Registry and How Does your Healthcare Organization Benefit?

Immunization Registry

With the advancement of healthcare technology and electronic health records (EHR) through the Meaningful Use mandates, connectivity and information sharing has become increasingly available as healthcare turns to preventative care and care coordination. In fact, all immunizations given are required by all medical clinics to be recorded in the state immunization registry. If you are […]

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2-Factor Authentication: A shield for PHI against hackers

PHI 2 Factor Authentication

Protected Health Information (PHI) is hacked, stolen or misused with regularity and more than need be.  Sometimes you can’t help HIPAA breaches, but often times there are measures you can and should take to protect and secure PHI data.   All health care agencies must abide by the HIPPA and HITECH laws, but it is […]

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Pushing Mental Healthcare Quality to the Forefront

Mental Health

After the United States House narrowly  passed the American Health Care Act, numerous mental health and behavioral health providers are concerned for the effects of healthcare reform on the ability to access quality mental health services for vulnerable populations.   Some of the most vulnerable citizens in the United States are persons with serious mental […]

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Improving Cancer Screening Rates in Community Health

Cancer Screening FQHC EHR

Current research and data show that preventative screenings for various forms of cancer help dramatically improve efficacy of treatments and survival rates from catching cancer in its early stages. Despite this evidence, however, rates of these screenings continually fall below national targets from Healthy People 2020 for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers. The largest segments […]

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